Friday, December 04, 2009

Ice and some article I read

Ice crystals on the windshield of Michael's rental car (nice clean new glass), which will be more interesting to people in wet, warm places than those north of me. And then some other ice! :-)

Of 2009, for December 3: Article. What's an article that you read that blew you away? That you shared with all your friends. That you Delicious'd and reference throughout the year.

Nothing "blew me away," but I read in National Geographic about the Golden Quadrilateral in India, a highway connecting four cities in a big loop. It was interesting and I hadn't known it at all before. I mentioned it to a couple of people here at home. I talked with Ravi Bharadwaj a bit about it when he was here. The text of that article and a map.


  1. You're being good about doing the December prompts.

  2. Except I notice I'm a day behind and so will do two to catch up.
