Sunday, July 16, 2017

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Horizontal layers

I noticed after the fact that I've taken photos with horizontal layers, and would like to collect or at least cross-reference them. If I"ve shared them before, I couldn't find them, so if you know this to be a re-run, let me know where you remember seeing them, please!

My house, front, 2013:

From the parking lot of the Shelburne Museum in Vermont:

Toward the west from Alcalde, New Mexico.

Stripes in my compost piles. It's not my only repeating-pattern photo, but it's one of them, I see, in retrospect. I did not put that barrel there, but it matches the three layers of compost, too! (Click it to go to its original blogpost.)

Back yard, taken for the shadow of the icicles. Nice shadows! And then the reflection of the icicles, and shadows on the curtain inside. Deep.

Added in July 2022 (Notes are here):

(click to enlarge)

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Favorite photos of Holly

Holly has been the subject of some photos I really love.

Someone straightened the ground on that one for me, so that more-level image might surface. It was taken at the Rio Grande Zoo. It probably is somewhat a hill, because the manmade lake is to the left, there, but is probably bit more level in real life.

Outside the karate dojo on Louisina Blvd SE. It's fuzzy, but still I love it. Probably it was from a disposable camera.

Riding the Cumbres and Toltec railroad, August 5, 2015.