Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I'm selling morning glory seeds to help gather money for Holly to have in England. I was going to put a webpage up (because I had said on the insert paper with the seeds that I would), and when I went to work on that, I thought I should also do a page on tumbleweeds and one on goatheads. Then I thought I should include the Egyptian onions that are multiplying like crazy in my yard.

Well... I ended up working a long time on the tumbleweed page and I really like it. I'm going to follow the growth of two particular tumbleweeds in my yard as long as I can stand to. Maybe by the time I want them gone or they're too close to my baby trees, there will be a good looking one of about the same age and size in the vacant lot behind the house.

1 comment:

  1. Tumbleweeds. Ugh, you have made me miss something that I had forgotten about (since moving from the So CA desert to Tennessee). Never thought I would miss seeing tumbleweeds roll by.
