Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Wonderfully Peaceful Day

It's kinda wonderful sometimes to have a day when nothing pressing is happening, nobody's worried or anxious or in a hurry. Yesterday was that way here. Marty spent the day in his pajamas, which he hasn't done for a LONG time (but used to do once a week, on a schedule, with a "home day"). When I asked Kirby Sunday night what he had going for Monday, he said, "Watching 24." He and I watch 24 together every Monday, and last night was the grand finale (two shows together) of the fourth season.

Though other things did happen, Kirby went to paint miniatures, people came over later to play video games, someone else came to watch 24 with us, the three of us had a quiet, happy, warm day together.

Meanwhile, in England, Holly's shopping and hanging out, recovering from HesFes. There are a couple of photos at the Holly in England page, and an e-mail from her written yesterday, so that completes my report of the happenings of May 23.


  1. I love those photos of Holly! she looks like she kept her sense of humor about the spill anyway :)

    All covered with mud that way,she reminds me of a mischievous fairy statue.

  2. If that was a spill, she spilled herself at great speed over and over. Thanks for giving her the benefit of the doubt and saying that nice "fairy statue" thing, but she put a swimsuit on and went sliding while others were wearing boots, coats and knitted caps. It does look like she was having a blast, though! She'll remember it forever.

    We have a photo of her dad standing with co-workers on a frozen lake in Minnesota. They're all bundled up. Keith was wearing swimtrunks. At least he wasn't sliding around like a penguin.
