Monday, November 24, 2008

7th Anniversary of the Always Learning List

Today is seven years from the first day of the Always Learning list. The first topic was initiated by Deb Lewis, on Kids and Spirituality (questions of faith when kids ponder religion). The next day Dan Vilter wrote about Expensive games (Mordheim, 40K, and now Battlefleet Gothic). 40,000 posts later... still interesting!

The Always Learning list has had readers and participants from the U.S.A, Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Israel, South Africa, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Ecuador and Costa Rica.

At the time I started Always Learning, I was sad that the list wasn't going better. I still missed the AOL unschooling message boards. Much water under the bridge and many years later, my children are nearly grown, I have a thriving site (nearly nine years at and a couple of years before that at; Holly was eight) and this blog, and I'll speak at two conferences, or maybe three, in 2009!

I appreciate all those who have written on the list, commented on webpages, found my typos, encouraged me and passed the ideas on to others. Thank you for helping make the world more child- and family-friendly.

Gratuitous Holly Photos:

If Marty and Kirby played with cameras more often, I'd have more photos of them. Kirby will be here in January and I'm sure Holly will document the visit, and Marty will turn 20... wow.


  1. Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your success. Thanks for all you do! You are helping families become happier every day.

  2. I really enjoy and learn so much from ALL of the lists (& blogs)that you are on, including the most recent RUN. Thanks for what you do! Oh, and Happy Anniversary!

  3. Love those gratuitous Holly fotos, indeed all the family pics. Lots of smiles

  4. Happy anniversary. You also had at least one reader in Belgium (me) although I no longer live there.

  5. Happy Anniversary!
    I have been reading your site for a few years now and always refer people to it.
    I've been on Always Learning for 5 years, I rarely post. I have learned so much from everyone and when I think of responding someone else pretty much says what I was thinking anyway.
    Thanks again for being such an inspiration!

  6. Happy List-aversary! Reading the lists and reading here always helps me find a better place to parent from when I am feeling off-balance. Thank you.
