Monday, December 01, 2008

Neopets and the Sky (unrelated)

This is a big Neopets day/month. I know a couple of families just started playing recently, so in case you didn't know, every day in December there are gifts (and points some days) at the advent calendar:

You might want to bookmark that for a month.

And once a month (that would be today, again, or anytime during the month) there's a treat and some points here:

Here's what the sky looked like yesterday afternoon. It was pretty impressive. Most of the sky was clear but there was one BIG cloud over the mountains—not touching them at all.

click to enlarge


  1. Those are just beautiful pictures of the clouds! My friend thinks its somewhat funny how much I love looking at the clouds every day, but I always marvel at the variety and beauty of them. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. What perfect timing :) Just last night, Reese asked me why the sky was blue, & we talked about why. He couldn't remember seeing a red or purple sky, and I didn't have any pictures to show him. I showed him yours this morning! :)

  3. Gorgeous skies! I love cloud watching. I love the silhouette of the tree against the purple/pink clouds.
