Thursday, March 12, 2009

Contest Reminder, photo of monkeyplatter

I have a few entries and would love to have more by March 15. The things people see in those photos of monkeyplatters will likely go onto real kids' plates before long, and for years to come!

For prizes, I'm figuring first place gets to pick from a copy of Moving a Puddle, a set of Thinking Sticks, a Learn Nothing Day notebook, a bunch of morningglory seeds or mint plants (mailed ready for you to plant when it's warm enough where you are, or in a pot inside). Second place picks next, third place picks then, and I sell the other two things at prices exorbitant enough to cover the cost of the chatroom this month! (Also, I'm open to requests for chat times and topics. The next scheduled one is not until March 25.


  1. Will you post the photos you receive for the contest, or only the winning one? I don't have a photo to enter, but I would like to see the entries. : )

  2. I'm hoping to put up most-to-all of them!

  3. Did you see the one Melissa ( startlinglives) got on her blog for you???
