Saturday, July 18, 2009

Not New Mexico

Those first are from the car window on the way from London. We were on a two lane highway for a while with so much traffic that we were stopped a few times and I could look around. The posts on that road sign were light and strong, and because of being welded the way they are instead of being girders, they're lighter and the ground will grow up all in and around that steelwork. It wasn't where the wind could blow much, but it seemed that would work well for billboards in windy places. The fence-end was cement or concrete. I'm guessing it was rebar reinforced, but I'm not sure. The fence wire is on eye bolts set into the concrete. If anyone knows for sure, I'm curious. You can click those below to enlarge.

The 18th and 19th century buildings are everywhere, and the medieval churches too. Haven't seen anything much older yet, but will and will bring photos here.

The last three photos are from a farm store in Carleton Rode. It was beautiful just to see. The first photo is from the doorway. It was one room, mostly vegetables.


  1. Frank, today was Schuyler's birthday and we had Jumbalaya, creditted to you! You were kinda here in ricey, spicey spirit.

    I might have been in Bunwell, at the store, and not in Carleton Rode. These towns are not far apart.

    Nope I looked it up. I do love the internet:
    Hoddy's Farm Shop, Homestead Farm, NR16 1RT

  2. Love that produce store. Two kinds of shallots! And aubergine is such a nicer name than eggplant.
