Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cathyn & Laina, Holly, Marty

We had some people over last night to see Cathyn and his new wife, Laina. They stayed here a couple of days on their way through to California, and from there they're going to Europe for several weeks.

Holly did the moving gif to put two photos into one (the sign changing). She'll be back tomorrow from her trip to Iowa and Texas.

Marty has been really helpful. I had missed him. He played rock band with the two Jr. J. Cunicos while the adults talked the boring talk. Foot ball. Ray's old print shop, where most of us had worked at one time or another. Mo Palmer, who had been the next door neighbor of the majority of people in the room. I got to hold Liliana Ibarra for the first time. That was wonderful.

It's been really fun getting to know Laina, and catching up with Cathyn, and going to see some things around town. Odd corners of Old Town, Masks y Mas, SW Gem and Mineral shop. Mac's Steak in the rough. :-) (the last one that's open, at Menaul and Jefferson)... Very nice couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys all had fun together. When Cathyn told me they were going to be in ABQ, I *really* wished I could come out ... but not mid-week, the week before UA classes start. Some day!
