Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Me, blah blah Rules, blah blah Yes

and another one that used to be less accessible but has been on YouTube for a week or so. I just forgot to mention it, as I was in London or on an airplane the day he put it up, and then I saw Holly and Keith and Marty and got all distracted for a few days!

Joyce Fetteroll on Logic (and unschooling)

There are some links to go with that one (which I chose to put on this blog, and if you want some links for the first video above, in the interest of balance and symmetry and all that, here:



  1. I love these little snippets, thank you!

  2. The snippet on rules, even though I've seen it before, couldn't have come at a better time. We've been having some struggles here and my eldest (10) has been asking about the difference between rules and boundaries. I think I came up with a pretty god "in the moment" explanation which I posted on my blog, but really it's so much more. It's a lot about choices and feelings and not harming. Thanks for posting this Sandra.

  3. Thanks for sharing these I love Joyce Fetteroll too :-)

  4. Oh, the "blah blah Rules, blah blah Yes" was a play on Henrietta Pussycat from Mr. Rogers' land of make-believe, only I think people go "blah blah" and not "meow meow."
