Friday, August 21, 2009

New Book, first peek

The proof copy of the book came. This is it; I need to find as many unidentified typos as I can, and fix those few glitches involving page breaks and the table of contents, and then DO IT—order enough for the conference.

And so, now that I've touched and seen it and my confidence is strong, I would like to announce that I'm taking advance orders for books to be shipped in the last week of September.

Attendees at the Good Vibrations Conference will have a chance to buy the conference edition, and any corrections or mushy reviews will be added to the next pass and the second printing. BigBook Pre-Order


  1. Yay! I'll be ordering for sure.

  2. Your Big Book video is the first one I've watched wirelessly! Congrats - you just look so happy with it!

    I will be ordering my copy right away! =)

  3. I've thought about unschooling if I could ever work the school system ways out of my mentality. It's one of the reasons I follow your blog. I might want to pick up your book. Congrats on getting it all done and published!

  4. Congratulations! I just preordered! Wish I could be at Good Vibrations. :-)
