Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kirby and I will be here!!

Pam Sorooshian says the video is by some of the teens from the conference!

Online Registration Deadline Extended through July 18th!

This is an awesome video for everything except learning how my name is pronounced. (I was named in West Texas, so it's a twangier/brighter "a" in the Sandra, is all.) But it IS that fun! This video is not any exaggeration.

The schedule can be seen here: hsc2010schedule0708.pdf, and it's easily printable from that file. But you can look without printing or downloading.

The workshops I'm doing:
Writey Drawey (you can see more here—examples from home)
Connect the Dots (real dots, real connections; real thoughts, real connections)
Words that Can't Be Used (by request--information about insults, oaths, curses and "bad words")

Partnerships (Friday afternoon)
Unschooling: How To Screw It Up (in the last slot on Sunday)

I might also be on a panel about video games, or be a lovely assistant to Rosie Sorooshian, her boyfriend Daniel, and Kirby Dodd (and Pam, and then me, and I'm willing to smile and say nothing, in that company).

Kirby will be on the Grown Homeschoolers panel on Sunday morning.

1 comment:

  1. I really wanted to go to this conference. My husband's uncle and family live in Sac, and I thought maybe we could make a vacation out of it and get some ocean time in too...but finances are tight, and CA is a long drive away. Maybe next year we can go. I hope you all have a wonderful conference!! Do they sell transcripts or audio?
    Kristi B. in Los Alamos
