Thursday, September 23, 2010

Doings and Beings

This morning Holly tweeted this little count:
The house my parents share with me has 5 toilets, 4 doors to the outside, 3 freezers, 2 kitchens, 1 dog.
It's a moment in time. I've lived in many houses; so will Holly. I've had many dogs; this one won't last forever. I think seriously and often about adding another outside door to this house, and was thinking about it again today, before I saw Holly's tweet.

This week has been busy, but the blog doesn't show it. I've been thinking a lot about my new-for-unschoolers blog, Just Add Light and Stir. I like it. I wake up every morning and look at that first, to make sure the formatting worked, and that the e-mail version has arrived.

A month from now, I'll be in Pune, India. My international travels to this point are three Canadian provinces; Juarez, Mexico; England and Wales. India is a big one.

I'll be there for a month, staying with Ravi and Hema Bharadwaj, and their children Raghu and Zoya. There will be other unschoolers and home-ed families visiting. Two gatherings are already planned—a Halloween party (because Raghu lived in the U.S. much of his young life and wants Halloween), and a culture day (with different regional foods, costume and arts). I'll be there for Diwali, so that should be wonderfully overwhelming and I'll try to take lots of pictures. Some of those should be usable for "Just Add Light and Stir."

I've been reorganizing piles of papers—filing and sorting. Not my strength. I always find things I meant to scan or finish or do something about.

Keith is repairing, improving, and making new camping furniture, because his SCA camping involves wooden furniture. (And he goes to work, and he works on the house.)

Kirby's schedule changed and his work moved to a new facility, starting the-other-day Tuesday. He's just bought a car, by himself, in Austin—a 2008 Mazda 8.

Marty's taking three classes at CNM (Central New Mexico community college, which evolved from TVI). He's at the Montoya campus, just a couple of miles from here. Ashlee, his girlfriend, is taking classes too, and working a couple of long shifts at the lab, and is here some of the other time.

Holly is working taking care of a little girl five days a week, plus going to music shows and visiting her many interesting friends.

I like all these separate and shared lives.


  1. Have a swell time in India. If you feel like it, try some durian and lemme know what you think.

  2. Have you tasted it, Frank?
    I saw a couple in a refrigerator case at an Asian market here once. They were shrink wrapped in THICK plastic, like the kind they use to cover greenhouse frames. They were heavy. I didn't buy one. I had read about someone being thrown off a subway for eating one in public and it being too stinky.

  3. I have not. It's one of those things I waffle over. I really want to try it but I am a pretty picky eater. I dunno if I could get past the sewer smell.

    Maybe one of these days.
