Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chama this weekend

That wasn't Marty's beer; the can was already there.

This is just part of one song Irene wrote; I was shy to record a whole song, but this gives an idea of the sound and motion of it all.


  1. I fell so relaxed after reading and listening to this blog post.

  2. So it looks like you and Holly got on the mic too! Do we get to hear a recording of you two as well? ;)

  3. No, no, it wasn't perfect. We were doing harmonies on "Happy Together." We had done it at the house, and Irene offered for us to do it there, but the microphone we took failed, and we were sharing a mic, and... not our proudest moment.

    We did do better at the open mic at Good Vibrations, doing an old Bert and Ernie bit from the 1970's that was never on video, just on a record (later tape, which we had when the kids were little) and now here: ("I Refuse to Sing Along"--I did Bert, and she did Ernie)

  4. Ha! I hope we get to hear it at Life is Good in Vancouver in May. :) If Holly accompanies you, that is.
