Monday, March 12, 2012

Kirby's here!

He's sleeping. His car's outside.

When Kirby was a baby, one time I woke him up from a nap just to play with him, to see him awake. He wasn't really crazy about it that day, and so I will not go in there today and look at him sleeping, but my mom feelings are high. :-) I'm glad he's here safely and will be glad when he wakes up.

Jill, Addi and Luke are down from Fort Collins for a visit. Holly will be back from her several-days of housesitting later today. It's spring break so Holly, Marty and Ashlee don't need to go to classes. Right now, though, the house sounds like one clock ticking and some very soft computer-keyboard noise.


  1. Your comment about waking Kirby to play with him cracked me up. I remember my mom coming to my room asking to play dolls when I was about 10. I often restrain myself from waking Evie just because I want to see her face.

    I love loving our kiddos!

  2. Notes for the future...
    The first few days, Jill, Addi and Luke were here, too. We went up the Tram with Kirby on Monday.

    That Saturday night, Kirby, Marty & Ashlee had a big St. Patrick's Day party here. Kirby spent much of Sunday helping Josh and Drew move some stuff.

    There was some playing of L5R a couple of times, elsewhere, and some Dominion here.

    Kirby drove home Monday the 19th
