Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ability and opportunity

Climbing the walls…

This image went around recently. If anyone knows the origin, ownership, or name of the climbing boy, I'll add them! I wanted to put it next to a photo of Holly years ago, and have a place to add others if there are others to add to this (so far very small) collection.

Amanda wrote: Hello! Here's a pic of my daughter, Katelynn, I would like to submit for your Climbing the walls page.

Kes Morgan-Davies, added November 2015:

Ethan James, added November 2015:

Harry Woodman:

Caitlin, added September 2018:
Annie Regan, the mom, wrote: "Caitlin would have been 8 in these photos (she's now 13). We have quite high ceilings so she's up above the doorway."

From Pushpa:

(also at Peace and joy and love)

1 comment:

  1. I made a page on my site called

    Some years passed. I'm writing this in 2023. Not all the same photos are here and there, too. Sorry. Maybe I'll accomplish that and maybe I won't remember, or won't have time.

    All the photos were fun to see, though, and I'm grateful to those kids for the strength and courage, and to the moms for seeing, saving and sharing with the rest of us.
