Monday, June 16, 2008

Why to wash hair

One day, long ago, my friend Norman Rhee came over with his camera. He was taking photos of all kinds of things, en route to being a great artsy photographer.

I still, 38 years later, really really wish I had washed my hair that day or the day before. In my defense, we didn't have a shower and I had to wash it in the bathtub (not great with long hair) or the sink. Still... Take this reminder to make small decisions today so you'll be happier in 38 years, or sometime between now and then.

The shirt, I made. It was navy blue. The VW bug was a '64, and it was red. The year was 1970, I think.

The print is all ratty and damaged from being in a box of high school souvenirs for.... most of that time.


  1. Wow- I thought that was Holly! And that post reminded me- we never had a shower the whole time I lived in my mother's house! I never thought about it until now, but it must have been a pain!

  2. Since my hair gets frizzy and poufy if washed too often and no leave-in-conditioner is used, or if it is brushed at all while dry, I think your hair looks ok!

    I have had a shower my whole life (except for a few plumbing disasters, but those were short-term), and I am grateful for that.

    We had no bathtub from the time Richard was 5 until we bought our house 2 years ago, when he was 10. It seemed ok, he showered or played in a baby pool in the yard, but as soon as we got in our new house he used the bathtub at least once a week! I didn't realize how much he missed it.

  3. I love the photo. Washed hair would look... more posed. It's lovely.

  4. I didn't notice that about the hair until you mentioned it. And even then I have to think "Hum? I thought it just looks windblown." :) I think it' lovely!

  5. I really doesn't look unwashed to me. Maybe uncombed. But not unwashed. You look fabulous in the picture!

  6. Wow. What a nice surprize to see that photo after all these years. This is a nice photo because of the fact that I had a lovely, unposed model with natural, windswept hair. Thanks for making me famous !!

  7. Hello, Norman! I'm glad you found this. You're kind. Somewhere(s), in other places, are two other photos from that day. If'n'when I find them, I'll scan them too and put them where you can see them. Thank you, again, for taking my picture and letting me have a copy.
