Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kirby has a girlfriend

Kirby took these photos with his phone on September 10.

Kirby has a girlfriend named Roxana Sorooshian. Today is Roxana's 22nd birthday. She's moving to the University of California at Irvine Very Soon, as a junior. Kirby lives in Austin, and works for a company that's headquartered in Irvine.

I might have hesitated to say Roxana was Kirby's girlfriend, but she has this photo on facebook and her status says "in a relationship." That's as official as things get these days, I think!


  1. Wow...what a great lookig couple!, y'know? =)

  2. heeheehee, the Dodds and Sorooshians - a real alliance at last. ;)

    Good pictures of my little sister! So very pleased with Kirby as well.

  3. wow! Great for them!!!!!!!!
    Beautiful couple!

  4. I just now came across the news -- grinning all over at the Power of Story. Imagine the United Unschooling Intention they would embody for the next generation, just by being themselves! It's like human punctuated equilibrium or something . . .
