Thursday, February 04, 2010

Other People's Kids...

I love this photo. I love the lines, the colors, the moment, the way it will be seen in the future by a then-grown man, and his children. Love it.
from February 3 - Disney Day!
at "If You Give a Mom a Blog Space
an ongoing view of our shiny homeschooling life" which is well worth a look. There are photos of little-seen Disneyland bits, and thoughts to ponder.

Yesterday I watched and admired Van Stranahan, home-birthed in peace, held by his mother however Van wants to be held (that cloth carrier is going back, because Van isn't too young to make choices and he doesn't really like it), as long as Van wants to be held. He already has an air of confidence and contentment rarely seen in humans of any age.

Holly held him. He looked a little like Yoda. Wise and wrinkly.

That's Shane, to the right on the other couch. I met him yesterday too, and really liked him.

Those two photos are similar. They're grainy because I turned the flash off. Van wasn't asleep, though he looks like he is. Between those two photos he had stretched, looked around, smiled and yawned. He was luxuriating in the comfort and safety of having room to stretch and move, while being right on his mother.

We can't go back and enable a child to have been born at home without anyone telling his mother what to do. Van's mom gave him a life-sized gift. Van's special. But for any kids, the principles of unschooling can, have, and continue to make people's lives with their children better. Not only it happens every day, I hear back about it every day.

Peace is right where you are, if you choose it.

Lee and Lauren were interviewed on The Jenny Hatch Show on blog talk radio, about Van's birth and their lives. You can listen here:

(ooh! They talked about me a little bit!)


  1. Aww. So fun to recognize a kid in your posts Sandra. What a sweet picture (the rocket boy). I get to see his smiley mama next weekend woo hoo!!
