Monday, September 19, 2011

Things I didn't buy at the new Goodwill

There's a new Goodwill near our house, in the SE corner of the strip malls at the SE corner of Menaul and Juan Tabo. Holly and I went yesterday. She got some Rocky Horror costume bits, and we got a few other things, but here's what I collected in images only. There was a time I'd've brought them home, but I need to stop collecting games and boxes. Or at least slow down. :-)

Keith has a wooden Senet game. This one was missing its "dice" (split sticks or ivory sticks) but had four markers (two for each player). The box that looks like a house had a little opening in it, and I don't know the purpose of it. It was an arched door, like a mouse hole, in the bottom. If I had a mouse in a cage I would have bought it for him.

Then I saw a wooden box from India. I have always loved those. It had a design of leaves, and I'd never seen one like that. I was tempted.

Then I opened it and someone had lined the lid with Italian stationery in a design I also love (and have used lots over the years, and still own a bit of something similar). I would have taken that as a sign to BUY IT, years back. This time I took it as a sign to think warm thoughts, take its photo, and leave it for someone else.

These reminded me of Kirby (and thoughts he expressed last weekend about a planned tattoo), and of Sarah Tynker.

A year ago I was planning a trip to India, and one of the things on my list to take was candy corn. While I was there, I bought some flowery little electric lights, in Bangalore, but I haven't gotten an adaptor and transformer for them yet. So this reminded me of India, and how much time has passed since I was there, and about getting lights over the hot tub, which I'm planning to clean and heat tomorrow. It's seeming like fall now, and not summer. It's time.

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