Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Marty and Ashlee at the Bonneville Salt Flats
These three videos demonstrate this, and contain an important message for future visitors.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Peeps used to be yellow...
I did think to photograph the display at Albertson's near our house, though, to share with my non-Peeps-familiar friends. Glad Kyra's photo reminded me to bring them out.
From a distance it looks like a basket, and that's sweet. The closer you get, though, same old Peeps.
People who are out of Peeps-range would never have needed to know had it not been for Youtube, and things like this (and please note that Jesus and the Pope are portrayed by yellow Peeps, so the other colors are not made in the image of God. Plato's ideal Peep would have been yellow. Jung's archetypical Peep... same):
Here's something quite recent:
Saturday, March 16, 2013
My David Bowie letter in an analytical article
The little peace in me
Will die
For this is not America
This season
Promise not to stare
Too long
For this is not a miracle
No tricks at the wheel
No one needs anyone
They don’t even just pretend
There was an image of the letter, too (which I have here. Their picture of the letter was yellowish, but I don't know why. The paper was and still is quite white. :-) [Wait... I checked. the image they used was a photo made by Rex Features when Holly and James Daniel took the papers to them for high-quality photos. When I scanned my original, it was as white as the original. So honestly... I know know why Rex Features' copy is yellowish. But anyway... (I think my scanner corrected for contrast, and their camera emphasized color, maybe.)
Friday, March 15, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Michael Masterson's sewing machines and stuff
It's always fun to read interviews with people I know in real life.
Saturday, March 02, 2013
America: Peanut Butter and Jerkey
I've started trying to look at my own grocery store outings as a foreigner might.
I was in a filling-station convenience store one day and it seemed to me that everything was internationally normal and boring, until I came to the jerkey. I wouldn't have thought much about jerkey if Ollie Daniel hadn't said that when he was in the RAF they went to an American airbase for some training or something, and went to the PX and got some American things to try, like jerkey.
Candid jerkey section in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2013:
If you like looking at image details, you might really like Shorpy: http://www.shorpy.com/image (Nearly every file is huge, and you can drive around the little details; much nicer than my photo, only not jerkey from 2013.)