Monday, February 09, 2009

Help me help my friend help strangers

Stanford Dance Marathon:
On February 14, 2009, my unschooled friend Tamarind King, Ramona King's daughter and a freshman at Stanford, will dance for 24 hours in a fundraiser for treatment of AIDS patients.

Tam does swing dance and hula, and I don't know what all she'll be doing on Saturday. Valentine's day is about love. This is quite an expression of love for mankind these kids are creating, and financial support would be wonderful.

[There wasn't a link when this first went up, but there is now:]

If you donate, please credit Tamarind King in the pulldown menu (unless you know someone else on that list!). Because all my kids have jobs now, they've all put toward the donation our family sent.

Here's a video created from last year's dance marathon, to give you an idea.


Christa said...

I found the link by googling Stanford Dance Marathon. They even accept paypal. Easy peasy.

Sandra Dodd said...

DOH! I"m so sorry! I'll add it up above.

I cut and pasted most of what I wrote from an announcement on Family RUNning, and their event format has a link field. So there's a link there. I'll put one up above. Thanks.

hahamommy said...

I've been more than impressed with the King family; I'm not surprised Tam's involved with such a cool program! Thanks for passing along the info :)