This is a quote:
And you came with powerful intentions to experience contrast and to launch clear rockets of desire into your Vibrational Reality for the purpose of expansion.WHAT THE HELL!?
Thus sayeth Abraham.
Well, he allegedly "spoke" or texted or transmitted the words above in red. The "What the Hell!? was mine.
Is there a random generator for "Abraham"-onian bullshit?
Does anyone have an example that's loonier than the one above?
"Babies Are Thinking and Attracting Before They Are Speaking... Even though you are only months old in your physical body, you are a very old and wise creator focused in that baby's body. And you came with powerful intentions to experience contrast and to launch clear rockets of desire into your Vibrational Reality for the purpose of expansion. People often assume that because a child is not yet offering words, the child could not be the creator of its own experience, but it is our promise to you that no one else is creating your experience. Children emanate Vibrations which are the reason for what they attract - even from their time of birth."
--- Abraham
"It is our promise to you..."
Abraham is a plural? Or was that his two friends writing? And what good is such a promise?
If I promise that it's deep stinky bullshit, does that make it so?
It might really be randomly generated. I was only partly joking about that. Here's an example of such a fountain of poo (created for humorous purposes):
A CS Research Topic Generator
How To pick A Worthy Topic In 10 Seconds
Then there is a page that gushes bullshit based on an author and book title:
The Outraged Desiring The Abject: Sandra Dodd, Moving a Puddle and MemoryI love that last one. "Troubling the Problematic Blackness." The intro to that; the original generator is gone, but was entitled The PoMo English Title Generator, in case it resurfaces someday.
Mourning, Dismembering, Re-marking: Desire in Sandra Dodd and the Perverted Frustration of Autobiography in Moving a Puddle
Perverting Technologies: Animal Edges in Sandra Dodd's Moving a Puddle
Sandra Dodd, Moving a Puddle, and The Oppressed: Reproducing Encoded Problematics
Identifying the Misogynistic Borders in Sandra Dodd: Moving a Puddle and Frustration
The Alterity of Legacy and the Essentialist in Sandra Dodd's Moving a Puddle
Symbolizing the Colonialist Semiotics in Sandra Dodd: Moving a Puddle and Gentility
Re-membering, Voicing, Merging: Postmodernity in Sandra Dodd and the Heterosexual Tyranny of Autobiography in Moving a Puddle
Compulsory Hybridity and the Race of Ethnocentric Fury in Sandra Dodd's Moving a Puddle
Troubling the Problematic Blackness in Sandra Dodd:Moving a Puddle and Desire
There used to be one like the top one, but for social sciences and education. I couldn't find it online. What I did find was pretty disturbing. People are selling computer-generated papers, built as those are. "Baffle them with bullshit."
So back to the original example. The even wider context is something involving some people channelling an alleged ancient sage, named "Abraham," but older than and not the same as that Abraham in the Bible... why did you think it would be that guy? Just because three of the world's major religions have an "Abraham" central to the story? No, no... it's coincidental.

If I say I think it's nonsensical drivel, am I being disrespectful of someone's heartfelt beliefs? When that storybook child said the emperor wasn't wearing any clothes, was he disparaging the honest work of worthy tailors?
For the other side, because I have borrowed artwork from someone into dissecting the wholeness of himself into tiny particles, here is a quote:
"We can only perceive and experience the realities we are vibrationally attuned to, we can only perceive what we believe in and are focus on."The main problem with that, in my universe, is that it suggests belief creates reality—that if I perceive or believe something that it causes it to be real.