I'm in a quieter phase, sleeping more than usual, playing video games, watching "The Mentalist" on DVD, working on my webpage a little bit, and just thinking.
When I was younger and I would change, I thought something was wrong with me. I was under the mistaken impression that personality and mood should be constants. Life is better when I think of those fluctuations as tides, or as the weather of the soul.

(The gif was made here: makeagif.com/i/4u1CYV.)
I, too, would feel that way about myself and change when I was younger. Now when I change I look forward to the new season into which I'll be going.
Ahhh yes, I love this.
One of the biggest "changes" in my life was when I "discovered" you, unschooling and mindfull parenting.
Thanks for all.
Yvonne Laborda.
Thanks for the sweet feedback, Yvonne and Amy. "Hello the Mess," I'm that way too, now. Hopeful and expectant. :-)
Until I just read this I kind of thought maybe I'm a little bit manic or something lol but you are right, that is what it is :-) I won't wonder anymore I will enjoy the tides ;-) thank you....btw thank you for being the biggest inspiration in my life. I love your unschooling website and visit it often. I silently read on always learning. Unschooling has changed my world (and my children have always been unschooled because I found this way early enough). I'm not a perfect unschooler.....whatever that is, lol, but I try, i'm always trying and learning and growing. So a huge thank you for all the time you give. Giving people a great philosophy to live by is one thing but actually helping people to put it into practice is so much more xxx
Lots of people are manic sometimes. That's a good time to sew, or paint, or dig in the yard! Or sing and dance with kids. :-)
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