Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Live Chats (an experiment)
Today there was one announced in an immediate way and over 20 people came through over a three hour period. I'm going to do two more and maybe will decide to keep a regular schedule of chats.
Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at my house (I hope clicking this will give you the time at your own house) there will be a two hour chat on younger children. If you'd like to share good ideas of things to do with children who are two, three, four years old, please come here tomorrow and there will be a link to the open chatroom. I don't know how to reserve a chatroom for the future with a link yet. Sorry.
Friday at 6:00 at my house (try this if you're not in Mountain Standard Time) I would like to chat for two hours about how and where people learn about unschooling and what would make it better. Save this link and I'll have a link to the chat here when it's time.
I'm using an AIM chatroom. It's possible to read the chat without logging in. There's some sort of observation window possibility, and I don't think you even need an AIM ID for that. I could be wrong. If others went to today's chat and have suggestions or knowledge about what does and doesn't work, please post a note here. Thanks!
If these two go well, we can have lots more. If they're too lumpy and bumpy and more trouble than they're worth, I wasn't doing so much this week anyway.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Miss Holly Dodd's First Glasses
Holly was getting headaches and squinting, and so she asked us to take her to get her eyes checked. The byproduct of that was that Keith and I got our eyes checked too. She got a cute pair of artsy glasses. Keith and I have new, stronger old-people spectacles. But that's okay.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Here I was just a minute ago in my *new* bifocals! It's a sign of age and
Six more months until Learn Nothing Day!
Holly came to see how I took that photo. It was "Photobooth" on my new MacBook (Keith is so nice to me). So she asked if I could get the reflection of the monitor in my glasses—it would be like an endless mirror. Yeah. It didn't work.
And speaking of Holly, when she was helping me figure out half my life and telling me not to blog about death and we came up with 1980, she said "God, you're young, huh? I thought you were mad old in the 1980's. Well that was just the beginning of the 80's. I guess you were mad old when Marty was born." (Yeah. That was early in 1989. So in 2027, Holly is scheduled to be "mad old.")
The lyrics game word is snow, there's a new sound file of a talk I gave twelve years ago here and yesterday I discovered my new favorite drug which I might never need to use again but I would not mind: triazelam. It would've been NO GOOD for a mom of small children. Impossible. But with the youngest 17? La-la-land for me. Dentistry I don't even remember. I hear Keith had to dress me and walk me out to the car and all (I hardly remember a thing), and then Holly and Brett sat with me for hours, kept a fire lit, brought me water and yogurt, and when the novacaine wore off Brett went to Blake's and got me a milk shake and a barbecue sandwich. It was the coolest thing. I even watched a zombie movie happily, and I don't like zombie movies, but y'know what? Yesterday I liked EVERYthing. I was one with the zombies. I sat on that couch for ten hours straight and I was never restless or bored.
55.5. I'll write again when I'm 66.6, maybe, and probably sooner too.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Holly, Obama, Shrinky-Dinks

The timestamp on this is that President Obama was giving his acceptance speech. I was trying to photograph the Shrinky-Dink art that Holly and Brett have been doing. Holly's done most of it, but they've had a lot of fun. At first they worked from the book that came with it, and then Holly started branching out to make gifts for people. Several have been given away already.
Turns out it's very difficult to get a good photo of shrinky dink art. Not only is it little and requires light, but you miss the texture and whole stained-glassedness of it. So sorry. These are just rough suggestions of the glory of those Beatles shrinky dinks. And I like the John Cusack one, which started out the size of the printout and is for a friend of hers who likes his movies.
The third to the last one was on the scanner with the lid up. It didn't work very well. The second to the last one is on a light table. That also didn't work as well as I hoped it would. So I held one up to the sky. Good for scale, not good for focus. But look how nicely I arranged the trees around my hand! Nice, huh? (I didn't notice it until two days later, so I'm joking about taking credit for it. It was a fancy accident.)
Toys and Goofs
Get your own Family Sticker Maker.
Lava Lamp | Toys on the internet are some of the best things ever. They make life funnier and unschooling easier. My "Thinking Sticks" blog (This is where I keep my favorite randomness/strewing and links to unschoolers' blogs.) Music toys and links (Don't miss the Swedish horses. Early interactive flash classic.) Art toys and stuff (Trogdor and "Japanese cartoon" are broad and deep.) History toys and things (Toys in museums can be frustrating, sitting in their glass cases, but one museum has made little videos of the toys in motion, with sound. Good idea!) |
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Marty's 20th Birthday
Marty Dodd is 20 years old today.
I moved this from the old Lyrics Game blog. The game was moved to Facebook, but that post and play had good photos I thought should be saved. I've backdated it to that same day, though I'm putting it here on Mother's Day, 2017.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Days flying by

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Good feedback, exhaustion
Lily and I were at the mall looking for ballet shoes (for her!) and went in to Zumiez. We asked for Holly Dodd, and the guy said she wasn't in. He had a big smile on his face and said "How do you know Holly?" I said "We are friends of hers." He said "She is AWESOME!" I said "I know."Keith and Holly are sitting in the hot tub in the bright moonlight. I went out and talked to them a while. I might get in myself, but it makes me sleepy, and I've slept too much already today. Everyone else is out and about. Holly's going to watch SNL in the library and fall asleep up there, after the tub. Keith will sleep and go to fighter practice tomorrow. I won't be surprised if Kirby and Marty stay out all night with their respective friends, sleeping elsewhere. Last night there were fourteen people in the house at once--sixteen overall in a few hours' time. Tonight it's me inside, Keith and Holly outside, nearly silent. Here are some photos from the past few days.

Monday, January 05, 2009
Watching Ice Melt
This week will be so busy I might not be back in here, so I wanted to leave some teeny videos I made yesterday. We have white plastic buckets (construction stuff) we use to collect rainwater. When the snow melted off the roof the other day, we collected it and it froze. Keith always enjoys turning these frozen blocks of ice out. They're hollow on one end, usually, and we've put those little battery-operated tealights in them sometimes to light the path if we're having a party.
Anyway, this time they were melting unusually and I wanted you to see. That solid looking end IS solid and heavy. So that very thin ice was holding up a LOT of weight.
The plans for this week are simple. We're going to the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (recently renamed, I guess) to see the display on computers. I wrote a bit about that in September here. We're going to eat at Pars Restaurant, where Marty works. We'll go when Marty's not working, so he can eat too! The last name of the owners is Tafti, which means they're from the same area in Iran where Cyrus Sorooshian grew up. I don't think they're Bahá'í, though.
Otherwise, except for possible visits to Dion's and Blake's (local eateries), I don't think we have obligations, and that's cool too!
Friday, January 02, 2009
Friday, first and last first Friday of 2009
2. "Have fun!" was the last thing I said.
3. I wonder why cynicism appeals to some people.
4. Infinity clears its throat at the end of all things. (No one's cosmology has an end of all things, does it? It's just the beginning of the next thing.)
5. There's something to be said for breathing.
6. Contented and hopeful is where I want to be.
7. And as for the weekend,
P.S. Photos of the tea
—a peekaboo thing Holly made of me. The best image from that set is here:
and others here
Today is the last day of the Christmas-tea menu, so I've brought it here as their website will change to the January menu soon.
Victoria & Albert's Christmas Cheer
(subject to change without notice)
Breast of Duck, Port, Cherry & Red Currant Puff Pastry
Individual Beef Wellington
Duchess Potato
Stilton and Cranberries on Pear Barquette
Traditional Tea Sandwich:
Cucumber Pineapple Cream Star with Cinnamon Butter
with Lemon Curd and Clotted Cream
Ginger, Fig, Cranberry & Walnut Fruitcake*
with Orange Hard Sauce
Royal Mincemeat Tart
Bittersweet Chocolate, White Chocolate and Peppermint Truffle
*contains nuts
many of the items are cooked with or include alcohol.
St. James Tearoom