"What is your Original Nature, Snowman?"
—Natsume Soseki
That little poem was on a page from a 1998 zen calendar I saved. Time passes. | click for more snowmen |
Monday, December 24, 2012
Fluff and ponderance
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
This year's illusion tree
That's this year's permutation of lights-in-the-shape-of-a-tree. It's nine feet wide and 4 inches deep, but it can be seen from the road (if the curtain's open), from the front door and from three rooms.
Last year's, and some before that, and another artsy not-a-tree are here:
Trees without a tree
Lights and Invisible Tree
Christmas Meme, Mimi (shut your mouth, it's Christmas)
Monday, December 17, 2012
Come, let us adore Him
We’ve been snowed and iced in for a couple days, which tends to add all sorts of silliness to our lives :-)Oh come let us adore HimSo today, inspired by a snowman-themed nativity set he found in our boxes of Christmas decorations, Robbie decided to build a nativity of his own.
I posted the photo on Facebook but thought I’d share it with you in case you didn’t get to see it there, as it really cracks me up every time I see it. When he decided to use the three yodas I darn near burst giggling :-)
Colleen :-)
With The Force
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Snow on the hot tub
It wasn't rain; it was snow. It was the kind of snow that's frozen in the air, and kind of makes a tinkly sound. So we went in, but sat close to tay under the umbrella. The tub wasn't super hot, probalby only 103 or so. Had it been a 108 degree night, probably the umbrella wouldn't have been collecting snow as it was. When we got out to put it together, I was holding the umbrella over Keith, and I shook it trying to get some of the snow off the back, but it went on Keith. That was exciting.
The whole thing was exciting and funny and sweet.
This morning, the places where we we stepped on the deck coming in are icy footprints.
The snow was less than an inch deep, but the timing was fun for us.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
How old is this blog!?
She's been 21 years old for over a month now. She, Kirby and Marty will be all in one place right after Christmas and I'll try to get a photo of them together.
Their teen years zipped by, it seems. It's been over a year since we had the last of our 19-year-old children. I love them.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
Cocooning and other stillness
I'm in a quieter phase, sleeping more than usual, playing video games, watching "The Mentalist" on DVD, working on my webpage a little bit, and just thinking.
When I was younger and I would change, I thought something was wrong with me. I was under the mistaken impression that personality and mood should be constants. Life is better when I think of those fluctuations as tides, or as the weather of the soul.

(The gif was made here: makeagif.com/i/4u1CYV.)
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Always Learning, 11 years of discussions
The first post was by Deb Lewis, and was about spirituality and children. There have been nearly 70,000 posts, most of them really solidly about unschooling, and some of them complaining about me wanting the discussion to be so seriously on topic.
There are over 3,000 members (Yahoo says nearly 4,000, but I know some of them have forgotten they joined, so I round down). It makes the world a better place for some people, and maybe that's the only way to make the world better for lots more people.
I'm grateful to those who have been in that discussion for eleven whole years, and to those who found it later and understood and helped us.
This is the image I put there, when yahoogroups allowed for an image. It was a leaf that fell off the fruitless mulberry that's right outside our room, and my office. It grew funny, and I thought it was interesting, so I throw it on the scanner with a piece of paper over it, and that was the page's image.
Later someone said he thought it was there because it looked like a brain. I hadn't see it that way until he mentioned it. I had seen interesting imperfection, and a swirliness. I suppose other people made different associations with it, and some probalby thought "a leaf."
It's the season of Thanksgiving. I'm grateful that yahoo created a tool that Joyce, Pam and I could use to maintain unschooling discussions. I'm glad for Deb Lewis and others whose thoughts are lofty and deep all at once. :-) There is an abundance of generosity there on that discussion.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Kendall Sherman Dodd
Keith's dad died this morning.
Last Saturday morning he rode in the Veteran's Day parade in Alamogordo. Keith delivered him to the parade starting point, and said he thinks he was the oldest living veteran in Alamogordo. During WWII, Ken was a Navy reconn pilot in the Pacific. Before and after, he trained pilots in Florida. For many years while Keith was growing up, he was the range controller at White Sands Missile Range.
Here's a photo Holly took of her grandfather last Spring, and her caption:

Smiling and chatting over a nighttime snack
When Keith got home late Sunday, there were stories of a fall up at Gerry and Barb's, with seven hours in the emergency room, and then an EMT visit and transport after he fell in the dining room at the house sometime during the night. He had broken his hip. In preparation for a scheduled Thursday surgery, they took him off his blood thinners, his blood count was low, and they gave him a transfusion. The new thicker blood didn't agree with his heart problem.
Although he died at 4:00 a.m, we didn't know until evening because they called his house in Alamogordo and left a message. Gerry went by there after work and heard the answering machine message to call the hospital. Gerry went to the hospital, talked to people and then called Keith with the information. Marty and Holly and I were all here and Keith told us all what he knew. I called Kirby, who was out to dinner in Austin, with Sarah and Rebecca Tynker.
Came back March 20, 2017. Marty is looking at some family history for a geography-class project. I've come to quote the obituary that was in the Almogordo paper, in case the webpage disappears.
Kendall Sherman Dodd, 96, passed away from heart failure on Nov. 14, 2012 in Alamogordo. He was born in 1916 in Massachusetts to Sherman W. and Ella G. Dodd. He graduated from Fordson High School in Dearborn, Mich. in 1933 and Wayne State College in 1939 in Detroit, Mich. He was a naval pilot during World War II and a retired naval reservist. He worked as a civil engineer for the city of Dearborn from 1948-59, the Federal Aviation Agency as a air traffic controller in Albuquerque from 1959-1961 and at White Sands Missile Range as a range controller 1961-81. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Alamogordo.
He is proceeded in death by his wife of 64 year, Corine Dodd (2009) and his son Dennis Dodd (2007).
He is survived by his sons Gerald Dodd, of Alamogordo and Keith Dodd of Albuquerque; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
He has been cremated and will be buried a the Santa Fe National Cemetery.
A memorial service will be held at First Presbyterian Church, 14th Street at Oregon at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 8.
In Lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the First Presbyterian Church Flower Fund, 1318 14th St., 88310.
Published in Alamogordo Daily News from Dec. 2 to Dec. 6, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Words flow out, and Holly as an adult
I suppose I will regret, someday, not having everything in one place. It's scattered. There are links here to much of it: SandraDodd.com Once upon a time it was on a user group, my daily writing. Then AOL forums. Then unschooling.com. Then unschooling.info, and yahoogroups. I do write at Always Learning. Sometimes that is quiet, because of Radical Unschooling Info, on facebook. Judging by the list of former hoppin' spots, that won't always be so busy.
Holly's party was the Saturday before her birthday, on October 27, at Amped. Keith and I were there for the first half, serving pizza and punch, but the party continued and Holly seemed happy with it all. It was a great idea she had, to host a music party at her favorite venue.
Tam King showed up!
But kid stuff can be better than adult stuff. Her friend Ryan is in the hospital, in intensive care, and she's been there a fair amount, supporting Will, who has been Ryan's best friend for seven years or more. Ryan recently lost his job when the restaurant he had worked at for a long time closed; he, Will and another friend just rented a house together. Ryan was at Holly's birthday party and is very nice guy.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Short video on unschooling
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Judy Jetson, or Riff Raff
Two very long interviews
Doing these exchanges, for the creation of these interviews, wasn't easy. The questions were hard. Sometimes we negotiated different questions, or different answers. But the results are pretty good, and the images Rashmie created for it all are nice. (And she lifted photos from my site and facebook, and it was fun to see what she chose, too.)
| |
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Bicycle shop in Leiden
In Leiden, people REALLY ride bicycles. There are family bikes and cargo bikes.
There were lots of baskets, for bikes.
One stack had pink baskets and I said "Barbie," but Graham, whose daughter is much younger than mine, said "Those are Disney Princess." Then I saw the doll seats:
I just made a slide show of the others from that shop. Nothing here is a good photography. It's evidence, not art. :-)
The slide show might not work for everyone; it's a flash file.
Someone left this link, but didn't "enliven" in. Here:
DOH! I didn't see it when it was newer, and now the blog is gone and the wayback machine doesn't have it saved. I wish the internet could be more like metal and less like sand and tissue paper.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Some fantasy, some reality
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Marty lately
A few days ago he asked me to come and spot him on a project, to be outside the jeep. He was bending a piece of heavy aluminum, to make a curved shield. He had already done a center bend, but wanted the edges rounder, and thought of what he had to make a mold and a press.
(Photos to come, but I will say... it involves a hole dug in the vacant lot, and his jeep.)
Friday, August 31, 2012
Photos in the mirror
Or maybe the mirror frame is those glasses, and the wall the mirror is on is... Will.
I have a collections of photos in mirrors: SandraDoddd.com/mirrors
Thursday, August 30, 2012
"A guy where a tree should be"
Our neighbor, Betty, is having five Arizona Cypress trees taken down. There goes some of our shade and privacy, but also there goes the sap they used to leave on the deck and steps on the west side of the house. Small advantage.
Holly and I slipped under their danger-tape to go to the grocery store, and I asked her to take a photo of the guy up there, when we got back.
Holly called the photo "a guy where a tree should be."
Our yard is still really shady. Will's mom was over last weekend and told Holly we had an East Mountain house, in town. I suppose it might be the trees. :-)
Update. One tree is still there.
I think maybe we should put bamboo over there (giant reed grass) to grow up as a barrier and some shade. Sheeeesh..... it's sunny where it wasn't sunny before.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
End of July
Because I put a post on About Unschooling the site, I looked at the site stats, so I can see if there's a bump. It's not important, but what I found was this:

July was a good month. Today, Holly and I visited with my cousin, Nada. Last night we played games here, first with Keith, Marty, Will and Holly. Then Holly's friend Peter came. Later Steven, Yarrow, Austin, Lydia and Melody showed up. Keith and Marty went to bed, and the rest of us played Writey-Drawey.
Friday, Keith and I got to spend many hours in a car with Holly hearing tales of her trip up to Yellowstone. Learn Nothing Day was pretty good this year (my birthday was quiet). Earlier in the month I was in The Netherlands, and England, and those were both great experiences I intend to repeat next summer, with Joyce.
August starts tomorrow! Holly is sitting next to me singing and playing a video game. Keith is going tomorrow to visit his dad in Alamogordo. Marty will take me to the airport early Thursday morning so I can go to the HSC conference in Sacramento. Holly is going to Denver for a little concert, with some of the people who were here playing games. They're taking our van, and camping (current plan is, anyway). Marty will have a quiet house.
The rest of August is unscheduled, for me, and that feels wonderful. I'm going to work on my website. Marta Borges Pires is helping me with the site and the chats, by reminding me and check listing me. Marta is also the organizer of next year's Simpósio "Sandra Dodd e amigos em Lisboa" (Sandra Dodd and friends in Lisbon" Symposium)
Here are Holly and Will the morning after she got home. She and I didn't see each other (except through Skype) for nearly two months.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Rippy's family in Leiden
Today, Rippy sent me an e-mail. It was too nice not to share so I sent it back rudely and told her to put it on a blogpost. Well not exactly. But she'll tell the story. And before she does, I'm going to show you a photo, so you won't need to click one of her links.
You can read her post here: http://seekingnectar.blogspot.nl/2012/07/the-olympics-in-leiden.html and if you read through that blog (its three whole posts), you will come to a link to an older blog, where you can see her husband Graham, and her dad who died not so long ago, and her children without tiger and butterfly disguises.
Here's what the family looked like one day when I was there:

Rippy organized the day in Leiden, and my notes from the day are here, with photos and a sound file and a picture of the tile I was given as a gift. It's kind of a big deal.
When Rippy sent me that first e-mail, I was working on a new web page to house something she wrote. That is here: Responding to questions and it's not finished yet (but for people who read this after July 29, it might be).
Julie Daniel and Adam were in Leiden, too, for four of the days, and I think their families will be friends for many years, as the kids hit it off wonderfully. There's a photo of them here: Live in joy (at Just Add Light and Stir).
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Learn Nothing Day, year 5
Well, hell. (That rhymes aurally and visually both, though well mell would be prettier visual; bummer it doesn't mean anything. Maybe in Wales they could do something with well llew...)
It's still morning in the U.S. and people are giving up already left and right. I will add to this reportage as the day goes on, which should be fine, because unschoolers should be staying away from the internet if they don't want to learn something today anyway.
Sarah Dickinson made a cake while attempting not to learn:

Kelly Haldorson made a graphic image that was shared around Facebook. I looked at some of those.
Someone (whose name I didn't save and who should remain anonymous) wroteIs that like smoke-a-cigar day or cut-yourself-on-purpose day? Why chose to damage yourself? Thanks alot Google, we have one more evidence that you are NOT looking out for our interests, rather herding us like sheep being stolen from the shepherd.In order to blame Google, she would have to NOT READ that I made it up and Holly did the art.
There was a little discussion on Facebook where I said it was like a game, and you join in by showing you know how it works. In response to a question, then, about whether it's a holiday or a game, I wrote:
Well... it's a holiday when people demonstrate what they've learned about learning by attempting not to learn, which is kind of a science experiment and kind of a festival and sort of a game.It's like a set of Thinking Sticks. It's a game, it's a tool, it's a toy. :-) More than one thing is happening.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
A very merry early-birthday to me!
Holly left a wrapped gift on my desk, and I had planned to wait until my birthday, but questions from Keith, Marty and Ashlee eventually persuaded me to open it. "Did you open that yet?" would be followed by a sad or puzzled look.
My favorite knife ever had had its handle dry up. Keith had oiled it, I had soaked it another time in almond oil, but it was old and I kept putting it in the dishwasher, and it just didn't last as long as steel.
But I have not found another knife I liked as much, ever. And now I have it usable again! Because Holly Dodd is thoughtful, resourceful and wonderful.
And thank you to a couple of people at the Apple Store in Albuquerque who didn't think the applecare policy was fair to me, and figured out how to just give me a new computer and take the one I got July 8, which had a cascading logic failure on July 18 and 19, and get it returned somehow even though it came from Europe and not north America. I don't know the manager's name (sorry, but Nicole was the one who spearheaded it, and Drew did the transfer of my AppleCare account to the new computer. The other option was for them to send it in for repair, but "repair" would mean replacing all its innards. So it's all done and transferred and looks just like the old one (as to screens and overloaded desktop and all that) but has an American keyboard rather than European. Slightly sad for me because the old one was cool and I was used to it, but friendlier because now I can share it more easily with other people.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Too late in England, too early in New Mexico
The seven-hour time difference will be forgotten in a few more days, but I've always been a sometimes-four-hour, sometimes-nine kind of sleeper anyway, so the stability still won't look like eight hours at a regular time.
I'm nearly finished with the long summary below, and I see it's going to be way too boring for most people. I'm writing for my future self, but if you aren't busy and want to see a glimpse of my summer thusfar, here it is. And there are photos of quite a bit of it if you'd prefer photos. Some are in older blog posts here, and the links to collections are here: http://sandraeurope2012.blogspot.com/p/schedule.html. There aren't photos of the sad and bad parts near the end, which is probably best.
Many things have gone badly in the past two weeks, but more things went well, so there was a notable list of failure and mishap, but I was able to be hopeful and grateful through almost all of it, and when I failed I recovered fairly quickly.
In early June, I was hanging out with unschooling families and other home-ed folk in France (mostly at Claire's in Prévessin-Moëns and camping in Haute Savoie). I was in the eastern part of France near Switzerland and Italy. We could see Mont Blanc in the distance when the sky was clear, and we passed by several times the entrance to the CERN particle what's-it, so maybe part of the accelerator is under the home of my hostess, Claire Darbaud.
Claire took me to Lyon to meet her mom and sisters. Another day we went by ferry across the lake from Nyon to Yvoire. The border of Switzerland meanders and the road was sometimes in one and sometimes in another. I got to see two good medieval towns, too, and a cliffside fort, and lots of buildings in Lyon.
Even though it rained like crazy during the camping event, we had a covered area with tables and chairs for speaking in the afternoons and games at night. Because I took the little PA system I bought from DAK with me, and it has two microphones, and someone was willing to drive to town to buy batteries (we would have needed a transformer, not just an adapter, to plug it in and have it work), both Claire and I could be heard over the rain pounding on the tarp roof.
On the way back to England, I was detained by immigration for nearly four hours (having been told by one of the officers early on that they could legally keep me for four hours). I had given awkward responses to ambiguous questions, and it was later suggested I was probably good for their stats, too, as they were under criticism for only detaining people of color and non-English speakers. So I was older, female, the boring color, and spoke only English. Good for them. Poor Julie waited for me in the lobby all that time, though she did know after an hour or so that I was in detention, because they called and asked if she was expecting someone, and her answers sprung me, eventually.
I always like being with Julie, James and Adam. After some following Adam to his cool activities, and some touristing, and some resting and laundry, Julie and Adam and I flew to the Netherlands where we were met by Rippy Dusseldorp. I had met Rippy in 2009 in London and remembered her, and we have been in correspondence. She had planned a great one-day event. Julie and Adam stayed on a permanently-moored houseboat a medium walk away, and I stayed with the Dusseldorp family. Their stairs were very steep and small, and I had gone to the gym since January preparing for that and for walking around Leiden. I did okay. Better than if I hadn't been working on my leg being stronger and less flinchy and scared. Later, Rippy and I went up the tower of Westkirk, and I only felt winded after the second spiral climb. Then I realized I was excited about what I was seeing and was forgetting to breathe. :-) So on the (many, wooden) steep straight stairs, I did fine.
But back to when we got there, Julie and Adam were beloved by the whole family, and Adam and the two Dusseldorp children, Gianluca (sounds quite a bit like "Jean-Luc" [Picard], and not so accidentally) and Giselle all liked each other lots and played hard and long.
Julie and Adam went back to their house a few days before I did. That entry into the UK was smooth. I had documents and dates and phone numbers and was way ready to slip through without any stupid answers.
And that's where the story gets lumpier. I got a message from Holly that she wanted to speak by Skype with no children around. A friend of hers had been hit by a pickup and killed, and she was in the position of informing some other friends. She wanted suggestions for how to do that tactfully and compassionately.
My computer was stolen by break-in robbers on Saturday and I got a new one on Sunday.
The week went pretty well, and the LiTTLe conference was successful, though Sunday morning Vanessa said she hadn't been able to get off the train at Ashford and had taken a taxi from Staines. I worried about our big brag that it was so close to the station, but soon another person came walking and I went out to meet her to see if she had come on the train and she had. So good!
The departure flight was delayed nearly two hours. I sent Keith an e-mail but he was so busy at work he didn't know until I called him from Philadelphia, where I had missed the connection and gotten new connecting flights (US Airways handled that part pretty efficiently, it seemed).
In Phoenix, I hurt my finger trying to throw my Burger King trash away with one hand. Instead of holding the swinging lid open with one hand and putting the trash in with the other, I put it in with one and tried to get my hand out before it closed. It skinned/cut my middle finger, and while trying to report that on Facebook, with a photo I took with Photobooth, my computer started a slowly cascading fail. I e-mailed a note to Always Learning that went through, but that's the last time I could get onto Safari.
At home I e-mailed Julie, and that's the last time I could get into e-mail. Thursday morning, it would get to the Apple, but no further.
Keith told me on the way out of the airport that Holly had called to wake him up to remind him to get me from the airport. That was going to be her task, and she and Will were to have gotten me, but not only was her trip to Yellowstone rescheduled so she was in Montana, but Will was in the hospital. "Sick" was all she knew. She has been mostly out of phone range, and didn't take the computer with her. She woke Keith up two hours too early, not knowing about the schedule change, but they talked for an hour, which made me feel better because I had been afraid to ask anything, not having heard from Keith or Holly either one for nearly three days. But they were fine.
Because Holly is on her road trip, I can use her computer (my Mac-before-last which has my info as it was three years ago, and that's fine because I mostly need websites anyway).
Ashlee is friends with Will on facebook, and went to review his case. He had gastrointestinal bleeding, had been in the hospital since late Saturday July 17, which was the day Holly had left in the early morning. Ashlee said he has had a blood transfusion. I think she said he had an infection. His e-mail and his mom's are in my other computer. The computer: I took it to the Apple store yesterday afternoon because it wouldn't go past the Apple. Even with their programmer resets and all, it wouldn't go past that. They took it back to open it up, to make sure there wasn't something obvious, and to see if there had been water damage or whatever other secret things they can know that way. Their summary was
Issue: Computer will not power up past EFI. Customer bought computer on July 8. Attempted to run ASD, SMc reset, reset pram. Still will not power on past EFI. Customer bought computer in England (422772015204). Computer needs to be swapped out for new machine. It is DOA. Advised customer to call AppleCare to help her with this process because she purchased computer in England. There is no physical or liquid damage on machine.So I came home and called Apple Care. They said only UK Apple Care (or European, anyway) could actually replace it. I suggested they send this back there and give me an American one. Nope, they said. I need to take it back to the Apple Store and get them to send it in for repair, or I could wait for them to send me the paper and labels to send it myself. So I called to see if I could bring it right back, but no... I needed to make another Genius Bar appointment.
I'm glad (VERY glad) that I live four miles from the store, and not in some distant corner of New Mexico. So after being pretty cranky about the whole thing, I reminded myself that
- it DID work really well for a week and a half,
- I got to the end of my airport time in Phoenix before it began its slow cascading shut-down
- I have exclusive use of Holly's computer until she gets home
- I have the van to myself too
- and that it will be in shipment before I would even have received the labels for mailing it.
Above all that, Keith's work and kindness made it possible for me to buy another one the day after it was stolen, knowing that it would be okay if Julie's insurance didn't cover it, and if our homeowner's insurance didn't cover it. Neither one did, as it turns out. Had it cost more than 1% of the insured value of our house, some would've been covered. Good news is our house is worth more than 100 MacBook Pros.
I unpacked the suitcases Julie packed for me so well. Only two losses. The frame of the grey suitcase I bought at a shady little shop in London in July 2009 (it was already failing, and Ollie and duct taped it for me), and the plastic popcorn bucket from Legoland. It protected its fragile contents, but the bucket and its lid are both broken. That's okay. I have too many plastic containers already, but none said Legoland Windsor. My packrattery is receding as I get older, which is good.
In unpacking I wasn't really surprised to see that I had a few things for Marty, a few more for Ashlee, two things for Jeff, LOTS for Holly, and none for Keith. Well... a UK bank coin bag and some Swiss coins. And I'll give him the three Malagasy bills Claire gave me, for his foreign money box.
If I could put a photo with this, it would be the one of my finger with the cool blue casing (kind of a condom for a wounded finger) that they gave me from Burger King's first-aid kit. That photo, though, will be gone forever when the computer is wiped. I bled on their stainless steel counter, but they were already closed. Two employees were in there cleaning up when I hurt myself. I had been sitting at a table reminding myself that I really, truly do NOT like Big Macs, but I didn't want to eat a fish sandwich just 24 hours after having really good fish'n'chips from Jack's in Ashford. I had chocolate milk and apple pie there, though, before I took skin off my finger. I would rather have had cherry pie and a glass of good, cold plain milk.
I went in the bathroom to clean my finger and put the bandages on, and I cried a little, out of frustration and pain and the grossness of pulling a piece of skin off me, and not having someone to help me. Then I went out to take a photo of the blue bandage to show you all, and then began the slow slide to writing this post.
I'm all better now.
I'm sorry Holly's friend who was hit by the truck will never be better.
I hope her boyfriend Will is recovering well.
I hope Holly gets home safely in a week and some when she's due.
I spent most of yesterday with Marty, and we went to a movie. I had agreed to go before asking what movie, and he had chosen The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Very sweet. I got to see images of everyday England, some of India (though not the part I had seen), and have ideas about old folks figuring out what to do, and long-lost Indian boyfriends. Quite a good movie for him to choose for me.
When we went in, there were already fifteen or so people waiting, at 1:00, for the midnight showing. They were sitting in the hallway, having had their tickets, Marty figured, for many days, but now they were waiting for good seats for the midnight show.
In England, I had talked with Ollie about handguns in New Mexico, and said I had friends with handguns, and my dad always had several rifles.
Last night in northern Colorado, a kid younger than Kirby and older than Marty shot over dozens of people, killing 14 of them.
That, too, makes me glad to be home with a 23 year old son who knew which movie I would like and wanted to spend the day with me, and a daughter who called and left a message while we were gone saying she would be out of phone range again for 24 hours or so, but would try to call again Friday afternoon or evening. I might be off sending my computer for repair, and that is nothing to be sad about, in light of the wholeness of the week.
Friday, July 13, 2012
LiTTLe Conference Site
The building we'll be in is now St. James Independent School for Senior Boys, which is fairly new to this building but used to be elsewhere. [It's a progressive, humanist, vegetarian school that teaches Sanskrit along with Greek and Latin... but that's not about the building.]
When I asked about the tile in the hallways, how old it might be, the young man I asked said he thought before WWII, and that Canadian soldiers had been stationed there, and had bomb-proofed it, and they were said to have driven motorcycles up and down the hallways, so that's why the tile was in such bad shape.
I didn't think it was in such bad shape. Worse in the halls than in the entryway to the gym (photo below), but I also thought it was older than 100 years.
I haven't found a lot on the building. It's now St. James School for Senior Boys. Before that it was a girls school that closed in 2009. Before that and before the Canadian motorcycling military guys, there's a gap in easily-accessible information, but in 1716 it was founded as a boys' school with one teacher and ten students.
Oh! Here's a page recommending it as a filming location, I guess between St. David's school for girls and the current residents. https://location-collective.co.uk/location-of-the-month-oct-09-st-davids-school-_130.html ... and there are (used to be) some nice photos there. And people can get married there. Marriages can't take place just any old where, in the UK, as they can in the US. Churches and licensed venues. Seems the chapel isn't the site for marriages, the entrance hall is. (← the link to wedding-venue stuff was gone, in 2021; sorry)
If the building seems to be moving around, as the internet goes, it's because the part of Surrey it's in was once Middlesex. The post office still says Ashford, Middlesex. Boundaries and jurisdictions change.
The building we'll be in is a gym/theatre. The floor was once painted for basketball, without any space not part of the court. The goals are long gone, the floor is years from having been refinished, and there are now lots of expensive lights mounted on the ceiling, so a basketball would be A Bad Idea in there anyway. But we unloaded in the rain, and the subconscious parts of me didn't want to step on a basketball court with wet shoes that weren't the right kind of shoes anyway. Yikes. But there was nor border to walk on and then I figured out it had been a long time since it was a basketball court.
Across from where we'll be is a huge playing field.
The inside of the building, the parts we saw, weren't pretty or special, but the outside is nice, and seems it was at one time even nicer. There's a pretty gatehouse. I'll get more photos sometime on the weekend. These can be clicked for enlargement, but they're not super exciting, but I'd like to remember what I saw and where I was.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Learn Nothing Day #5
A fortnight, two weeks, fourteen days, half a month from now (not six weeks... pick one of those two-week designations) is The Day. It is Learn Nothing Day, the day when unschoolers STOP learning just to prove they don't learn all the time.
This is the day to cite when your nosy neighbors and rude relatives ask about your "school days" or how your kids will learn. They will learn every day except this one. By golly gosh, by gum, get going. Plan your lack of learning carefully, because it's not as easy as you might think. You might want to invite them over to learn nothing with you.
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Bad Guys took my Macbook!!
I don't have my cordless keyboard for the iPad, and I can hardly type without a real keyboard, so I've borrowed Julie's computer for this (and a note on Facebook).
The purpose of this post is mostly so I'll have a record of the date.
The one I had was bought after I dropped my first MacBook (the one Holly uses now) and broken the glass. So I got a 13" Macbook Pro at a computer shop in Cardiff in July 2009 (possibly early August).
So I'll get another one (not sure yet whether the insurance will cover it) and get the dealer (I hope) to back it up from my external hard drive; I had backed it up two nights ago. I'll try not to leave it visible through a window.
My photos are on photobucket, my blogs and my website are accessible from any computer, and so it's not as bad as it could have been.
Friday, July 06, 2012
I was in Philadelphia last year touring an odd little place by myself, and a young Japanese tourist wanted me to take her photo, with her camera. I did, and she offered to do the same for me. I told her I was too old to need photos of myself. She said I would never be this young again. So I let her take my picture. |
Today is Keith's 56th birthday, and he was born in 1956. I remember how excited I was when I turned 53 and was born in 1953, so I told Holly she was going to be 91 because she was born in 1991. Not only was she not amused, but she figured out the whole pattern of such birthdays, and I was left in the dust of her mathematical-patterns brain, which she got from her father, who is 56 today.
For Graham, who liked this song, and Keith who is as young as he's going to get, in this direction, and for me to be able to find it easily...
Here are a couple of interesting boat names. Many boats are permanently moored for people to live in, but these two were fully capable of going (though not equally fast or far):