Kirby called on the house phone and asked to speak to his dad. I asked if he was okay. He sounded fine. He said "Mostly okay."
For him to call Keith on one of Kirby's work days meant for sure something had happened. I thought maybe he'd had a fender-bender.
Turns out he was hooking up a computer and got in the path of the electricity somehow. He says it seemed like two or three seconds he had the electricity in him, but maybe it was shorter and it seemed that long. His boss thought it was more than a full second, though. He wasn't burned and his hand wasn't numb, but he said he felt a weakness in his chest.
Then he went out to lunch with friends (their "lunch" is more like our dinner time) and slammed his other hand in the car door, not horribly.
I suggested he might want to take the rest of the shift to go home and sleep it off. I don't know whether he did or not.
The whole thing was exciting and amusing to him. That's because he's not his mom. But I did tell him when I was a kid we used to hold on to the door of our freezer to see who could hold it the longest. We had a cement floor there, and a rubber mat in front of the freezer to prevent shocks in times when the floor was moist from rain or winter (both are rare in New Mexico), so when it was a shocking day, sometimes we kids (nine to twelve or so in age) would move the rubber tug, hold the handle and count.
I had a record player, and a bedroom with a cement floor (my "bedroom" had been a canning room and was half underground). I had a rubber mat there myself, to keep the metal arm that held a stack of records from shocking me, but that one was a small shock.
Anyway, when I was telling Kirby how awful it was for a mom to hear something like what he had called to tell, he said that if it made me feel better, the computer didn't work at all anymore—it was fried. "You should've seen the other guy!" he said, laughing.
Somehow it did not cheer me up.
It's a little funnier today than it was yesterday, but I think I need a few more days and maybe to see Kirby to feel really much better.