("Munch, munch, munch a buncha Fritos
Corn chips...")
Friday Fill-Ins These just aren't funny.
When Kirby was little, I would sing the Jetsons theme song to the Flintstones tune, and vice versa, and he did NOT like it and wanted me to stop. Poor guy. And same with this. There are RIGHT ANSWERS. And they lead to good music and great memories and Bethlehem when God is ceremoniously a baby every year and I'm not screwin' with these. I love Christmas music. This is hard for me.
1. Said the night wind to the little lamb, you and I don't have souls, so don't get too excited about all this.
2. The first Noel the angel did say was not in English.
3. Go tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and everywhere,
Go tell it on the mountain that if I don't mail those last few cards today or tomorrow, they won't get there, so I shouldn't be goofin' around on the computer.
4. It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old, from angels bending near the earth to touch their... (Oh. I need to go to the lyrics game now.) .
5. Don't use saturated fats, Let your heart be light. (not counting bizcochitos)
6. And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing
Hey ringa dinga ding, sweet lovers love the spring??
(This one I don't know at all, unless it's something about sympathetic bells without ropes or clappers.).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to looking back with satisfaction on the fact that all the cards and letters have been mailed, tomorrow my plans include mailing those last few cards if I haven't done it already and Sunday, I want to not be kicking myself for those cards still sitting here.
or, ideally, tonight I'm looking forward to looking back with satisfaction on the fact that all the cards and letters have been mailed, tomorrow my plans include nothing particular and Sunday, I want to keep just hanging out with my family doing more of nothing particular.
1 comment:
My cards and the letter to Keith's parents, with photos, is in the mailbox waiting to go! Woohoo!
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